Most frequent questions and answers

There are no Core workshops this year. We have reorganised CPD and your personal development can happen across areas of your life not just through your study and university activities so you choose what CPD points you collect and which events you go to. CPD can be completed by activities on campus or online and your CPD can be completed entirely online, it is up to you 

On this site, you will find a variety of online and on campus activities that you can complete to earn your CPD points. 

The only specific activity you are required to complete is the registering with Talent Teams new HANDSHAKE area 

We strongly recommend that you attend one of the two available timetabled Introduction sessions as this will give you the opportunity to ask questions.

However, if you miss the session, a recording will be made available in Aula.

Additional activities include COIL projects, becoming a student buddy or ambassador, and paid or voluntary work experience.  This is not an exhaustive list and the Aula community page will post upcoming opportunities as will this CPD site. We will consider other activities if you can demonstrate in your CW Assignment that they have helped you to develop your employability skills.  Most carry 10 CPD points, but please check this site for details.

Please remember that it is the reflection on how your chosen activity supported you in meeting your development goals that will earn you the points.

HANDSHAKE is the new Talent Team’s registration area that connects you to the employability and career supports, as well as placement, internship and job opportunities

All students on the CPD modules must register on Handshake and take a screenshot of evidence for your e-portfolio – This is awarded 5 CPD points too. If you can also add the QR support codes attached – this would be helpful too

All CPD points must be evidenced in your MS onenote e-portfolio and listed in your CPD log and importantly you should reflect on how the activity has helped and developed you and your skills ready for the world beyond graduation.  You should highlight the transferrable skills you developed as a result of the experience.  

Remember that it is the reflection on how your chosen activities help you meet your development goals and how the activities fit with your plans upon graduation that will earn you a good grade in your CPD assessment.

No – please obtain your minimum CPD points required to meet the assessment requirements and any additional points indicate your ability to work beyond the basic requirements. 

It’s your responsibility to keep a record of the workshops and activities you attend.

Check on Aula for your Module Guide, which gives details of the submission date for each year group.  The submission area will have 2 submission points one for your e-portfolio and one for your reflection template. It will have your deadline on the submission area

This is a reflective portfolio.  Keep notes on the workshops and courses you attend so that you can describe what you learned from the activities you completed, and the skills you have developed as a result.  You should also write about your career goals and the plans you have put in place to get quality work experience.

REMEMBER: Don’t just describe the session, but focus on what you personally got from the sessions

Yes, CPD modules have been structured to allow you to earn all of your points in a variety of ways that suit you, online if you wish, it is recommended you do engage with a variety of different things and do not do all in one area – Eg: All LinkedIn learning activities, spread your sessions and the development you can gain 

There may be workshops and events available on campus later in the year.too so check out the CPD points area or the community posts from your Aula space

Most events or activities unless specified differently carry a 10 CPD award. You attend the event or online workshop and then you evidence it in your e-portfolio (you can do this by uploading a certificate of completion if the event has one or by screen printing evidence of attendance).
Remember to gain the points you must also reflect on the experience within your assessment for CPD. How training or event you attended developed skills that may make you more employable upon graduation.
The Intro session showed on your timetable as it was initially a live session. We also recorded the intro session. This was essential for the module to understand how it ran and how the assessment was structured. It also has helpful links that you can access through the pp slides in the Intro section. The recorded intro session is an assessment requirement to watch but it does not carry points.

You need to get different points dependent on your level of study:

75 CPD points in 320SSL/6006SSL

100 CPD points in 220SAM/5007SSL  & 120SAM/4013SSL

Refer to the Aula & this CPD website area on pathways/streams. There are 4 to choose from in 320SSL/6006SSL

1: Employment

2: PG Study

3: Entrepreneur – Own/family Business

4: Not sure

You need to evidence in your reflection and e-portfolio the pathway/stream you have chosen and then it is advised that you collect at least 15 CPD points from activities related to this pathway/stream.

It is suggested that all streams/pathways will need an up to date and graduate-level CV & LinkedIn profile (Level 3 CPD’s LinkedIn should have at least 50+ connections) .If you update your two areas to be graduate-level you can gain 10 CPD points each for the improved versions. Remember to evidence them in your e-portfolio with copies or prints of the improved versions and changes made. 

PLEASE NOTE: If the evidence is dated and shows no improvements then the CPD points will be deducted, this could result in you failing the module

You could book a one to one with the Talent Team to support you and your development, although the meeting itself doesn’t carry points.

Outputs from a meeting may carry points however, if you have a one to one meeting and as a result improve your CV – That improved CV can be awarded 10 CPD Points

To check and see what else you can earn points for, refer to the Claiming CPD Points page.

still have questions?
