Enabling Employability- Nano Conference #7

About the event

Nano Conferences are a series of online, bite-sized, convenient sessions that share practices to enhance the student experience.

Running once a semester, Nanos include 6 presentations lasting only 15 minutes each, showcasing staff and student insights from a variety of disciplines and settings across the CU Group, as well as external speakers.

Interested in employability? Then, join Nano #7 to discover how staff are equipping their students with key skills and attributes to enable their future success.

Once registered, you will receive the Zoom joining link via Outlook calendar invitation by 24th October.

For queries, please email AEPD@coventry.ac.uk

You will receive 10 CPD point if you attend, please show proof of evidence you attended

The event is finished.


Oct 25 2023


10:30 am - 12:30 pm



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