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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv6.5.6//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL:https://marycrossan.coventry.domains/CPD/ X-WR-CALNAME:CPD Portal X-WR-CALDESC:Earning your CPD points for BA Business Students REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC UID:MEC-6a81681a7af700c6385d36577ebec359@marycrossan.coventry.domains DTSTART:20230309T173000Z DTEND:20230309T193000Z DTSTAMP:20230126T131100Z CREATED:20230126 LAST-MODIFIED:20230126 PRIORITY:5 TRANSP:OPAQUE SUMMARY:Alumnight DESCRIPTION:Your Skills\nAlumnight is returning for Term 2 in March! This is a great chance to meet and network with Coventry University Alumni and our Employability Experts\n\nTickets £0.00 (Free)\nPlease log in to buy tickets. ( https://www.yoursu.org/ents/event/6834/ )\n\nAbout the event\nAlumnight is returning for Term 2!\nThis event is open to all Coventry University students, is free to attend and there will be refreshments available!\nThis event is a great chance for you to-\n\nMeet Alumni of Coventry University, finding out how they made the most of their time whilst studying and they can give an insight into what to expect after you graduate\nMeet our Employability Experts who can give you advice and share opportunities\nMeet like-minded students\nHave a chance to think about how to prepare for graduating\n\nThis is a networking event meaning you will have plenty of opportunities to meet our Alumni and Employability Experts, ask questions, get advice and find out about opportunities\nBy participating in the event, you will develop key networking skills such as Communication, Listening, Interpersonal and Organisational. In recognition of these skills after completion you will be rewarded with a “Networking” Badge. This can be displayed on your LinkedIn and showcased to future employers. To find out more about Badges head to our Badges page here.\n\nTo register please click on the ticket link above\nBusiness students undertaking the CPD module level 1/2/3 can get 10 CPD points by attending this session.\nIf you have any questions, please email skills.su@coventry.ac.uk\n URL:https://marycrossan.coventry.domains/CPD/events/alumnight-678/ ORGANIZER;CN=CUSU:MAILTO:infooffice.su@coventry.ac.uk LOCATION:The Hub END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR